Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well well has been exactly one month I spent my life over here, how does it be ?

As a college student, I realised that it is extremely important to be independent.
You know, no matter what I do, either go to the school, have meals, cocuriculum, or do my homeworks, I have to be alone...Seriously, that doesn't mean that I don't have any coursemate or friend to accompany me, but to what extent they used to be with me? We go to the class together, having lunch together, joinning the same club and maybe hanging out for the whole day, but in the end, they are still not going to be part of my life, or maybe it is just for this moment. It is unfair to say so, but it's true. No offence.

The month before I spent to know my school, find the hints in getting start with my law course (more specifically, find the way to learn a totally different subject from previous science study), and the most important part is the attempt to mingle around in the class.

And now, I just want to let my parent know that: ''Daddy and mommy, I am really fine here, the lectures are very enthusiatic in the teaching and learning process, and you are right, the people here are very nice, especially my coursemates, they all treat me really really nice and sometimes they do help me a lot. Meanwhile, the landlord and his family plus the other housemates are also very friendly, we treat each other as our own family members, I am very comfortable with this environment, thank you for sending me here. Somemore, daddy and mommy, I will always keep myself as healthy as possible so that you need not worry about me. I know the prominent thing is about my study, I promised you right, I will really put effort in it. Last but not least, I MISS YOU ALL SOOO MUCH and I can't wait to go back during the raya break now.''
For my friends:''Hii all...I think you supposed to know how crazy am I dealing with my new life and study, as I think what you all are dealing with too, don't you? Come on, who are planning for the next gathering or trip, let me know yea,thx and hope to see you soon~~"

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