Sunday, August 17, 2008


今天花了七个小时参与了第二届的“卓越育群校友经验分享会” , 感觉很不错。


真想知道到底是哪位天才,透过一张单薄且仅有5.85' x 8.25'的纸张就足以让分享会的主提/用意表露无遗。我想, 可能他们是借由当下所主办的“北京奥林匹克运动会”而心生灵感的吧!虽然这些分享会都各有各精彩,但主要的内容都和其它的激励课程大同小异,在于提供人们一个激励的平台,告诉大家

接下来这两张明信片是其中一位主讲人,ZUNG 赠送给在场的每一位的。一张是在Australia的Great Ocean Road拍的,而另一张则是在Italy的Venice拍的。

And,this is the ticket which I will treat it as a bookmark. 用意不只是因为我喜欢它的设计,也在于希望自己每看到它,就更能激起对生命的热忱,珍惜当下,勇往直前。


Saturday, August 16, 2008


每一次想起了你 就要飞

尽管我知道那不可能 我仍然尝试

用飞的理由不外乎 太想念你

渴望马上见到你 大声说爱你


至世人不理 寻找你影踪


相信爱不会说谎 只是分开收藏

突然很想不要飞 想心碎着离开

遥不可及的你 像千里外的星光

只能彼此对望 让眼神的交接 穿透心田

天亮后 各自曲折

The Internet related issues

Even though I have never online for 38 hours weekly, but I have found myself to be Internet addicted. The days before yesterday for about three weeks were the most 'suffering' period since I own the Internet service. For your information, there are some stupid people here who keep stolen our phone cable once per two months averagely. These irresponsible person just know to steal and sell the copper cable for incoming. Oh God, when will they being 'shock' by the charges in the cable and die, should give them some punishment right.

Without the available of the Internet service, I found myself to be 'disconnected' with the outside world. I can't contact with many of my friends especially those cyberspace friends, and I was also unable to surf links for any useful informations. In short words, my life was meaningless on that period. This seem too over but I believed that that feeling is common enough for those addicted to the Internet like me.

Lastly, there are some words for those extremely irresponsible thieves : ''Please la, don't keep stealing the cable and the users' rights again and again, we got paid one you know?! There are so many occupations around us, why do you want to choose to become a thief? Braving enough? Easing enough? Or,challenging enough?''

And, for those TMnet responsible authorities : ''You serve as a service department here should provide a better service for the users. So, please la, please find a more suitable and efficient way to solve the problem once it had happened, three weeks is not long enough but also not a short period for us who have paid for no services. Money is an important issue, but you should also know that there are so many prominent and official tasks can do through your services, once it is not available, then there is an uncountable loss for definitely the users(ourselves), you(because some of the users may choose to terminate the services,then you get no payment) and our country as well (as certain unavailable services can lead to lower productivity)@#$%......''