Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MUET October 2008


今天的Speaking test我跟伊涵和德兴一组, 幸好有他们帮我平复心情, 不然我一定表现的更差的,谢谢你们!! (男人--真的是比较善于manage情绪的动物也,哈哈哈!)

说到临场表现, waliao,我既然有几秒钟整个人blank掉a。那一刻,我脑海里完全空白,什么都说不出。幸好那是Individual Presentation,不然就真的是害人害己了。

唉, 我终于明白老师们常说的过于紧张会导致头脑jam住是什么情况了。天啊,考STPM时最好不要酱叻。

昨晚补MUET时,Sir让我们自由提出想要讨论的题材,当中,敏丽说ways to improve English Language。Sir直接说‘‘...Impossible,这个题目多数是出在essay那边的...”,大家当时应该都认同他的想法所以就跟着skip掉那个题目了。

很不辛的,今天的题材是:“Ministry of Education had organised a forum to collect the view of public about the ways to improve English Language in our country’’之类的。而要点是:‘‘Decide which one will be the most effective way to improve the standard of English in our country”,是:

i. Making English as the medium of instruction in school
ii. Employ native speakers as teacher in schools
iii. Making English as a compulsory subject in SPM examination
iv. Having subsidiary on English books


当然,我没有怪Sir的意思, 因为昨天在学校时我们几个朋友就已经有类似的discussion,只是我们的题目‘‘How to improve the English Language proficiency of the children”,而选择是:
i. Through mass media
ii. English as a compulsory subject in SPM level
iii. Parents play an important role
iv. Schools play an important role

再说, 大家都知道这个subject的题目很广,很难spot的。成绩,是depends on个人实力,组员默契和临场表现的。


MUET万岁!! STPM万岁!!

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