Wednesday, January 20, 2010

凌晨5点18分,正当我阅读得正起劲的时候,突然间几声‘熟悉’的声音传起,刺激了我的感官,是鸡啼声耶~ 我心里想在这钢骨水泥的城市里怎么可能有人侍养家禽呢,随之,我打开窗口想寻找声音的源处,

5点28分了,我还是没有头绪,鸡啼声频频响起之间还有个short break,大约30秒,老实说我真的有去算,是白痴吗?不,是好奇!
想来想去,还是不晓得鸡啼声何来,心想是不是这里的人不讨厌家禽带来的异味,所以没人去投诉呢?i don‘t know。





hui~ 醒来啊!!!忘了等下的time test吗?!Ok, 待续。。。

p/s: 47分,那公鸡丝毫没有想休息的感觉反之那啼声更响亮、更频繁了。。上帝创造了这天然、365天不眠不休且定时响起的‘闹钟’,多神奇啊

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Again ?!

My first semester break is ending in the moment, tomorrow gonna being well-prepared for a new sem and resolutions.

Looking back to what have I actually done in my past three-weeks time, well, I could say that I had done all I want to do except catching up the syllabus where I supposed and MUST do :<

My family and I went for four local vacations and it does fit its purpose - family time, relaxation, self-upgrading, etc lolz. While, not forget to mention about friends gathering too. Overall, I personally have had a marvellous time especially with my family, as it always seem hard to have the whole family to gather for a same and the only purpose. I really enjoy and appreaciate.